Tuesday 10 November 2009

Section 7- Recce and location sheets

Health and safety

Production health and safety is extremely important as it keeps everyone safe and all of the equipment in one piece, this reduces in an easier to produce film.
Something’s may seem almost trivial however it is always important to ensure the clips are always fastened correctly and that the tripod is always placed in a level place to avoid it falling over. Another simple thing is making sure all cables that can be taped down are taped down to avoid accidents and those that cant be taped down have a stool or object is over it to show that the cable is there. Forms of contact are also important as if there is an accident it will be the only way to alert someone this means that they must always be charged and have credit on them when filming outside.
Another thing to take into account is the fire exits and emergency procedures, this then applies to the crew and the actors as they should all know where to go and what to do. Another important thing to know is where the first aid kit is as this minimises the need for of site treatment.
When filming off site at night, early morning or any time of day you must be aware of the fact there are fewer people around this could be a good thing, however this also means if there is an accident there are fewer people who can help. Weathering conditions are also important as frost and ice can not only be bad for costume and actors but can also be dangerous when positioning the tripod of moving with the camera, the most obvious but still on that is important if it is early morning or of a night it is going to be darker than usual, this means there are more dangers of tripping and falling but also of things such as muggings ect, to ensure you are not attacked or mugged it is always a good idea to film in a group of three, as if there is an accident then there is someone to stay with the injured person an then one to go for help.
Finally there are some technical things to be aware of when using the equipment, the light (red heads and blonds) can reach between 800-1000 watts this making them extremely hot. This means that you should not touch any part of the head of the light as it will also be very hot and can cause severe burns. You must also ensure that you do not touch the bulb weather it be hot or cold, if hot it can melt through your skin, if cold you can leave grease on the bulb and this will cause it to shatter once it is turned on and becomes hot enough.

Location sheet

Opening scenes:
--garage, jess’ house
-Sutton park,
Runcorn, WA7 6AA

--bed room, jess’ house
-Sutton park,
Runcorn, WA7 6AA


This image is of the garages and the area in which in Adalade lies in our opening sequence, originally we were going to film in an attic or loft space however we felt that the garage would be safer for out group and the actress and that is had a more sinister feel and was easier to gain access to.

This is where at the end of the opening sequence Adalade as an adult sharply awakes, we decided to use this space as it looked mature enough for an adult, was easy to access and worked well with the feel of the overall film. It is a simply room with little artwork and is also very mellow this then worked again as there was nothing to draw attention away form Adalade.

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